Hareside Primary School



Oracy is the ability to articulate ideas, develop understanding and engage with others through spoken language.


At Hareside Primary School we recognise that oracy skills are crucial to a children’s success both in school and in their life beyond. Through our participation in the Voice 21 oracy schools programme we are committed to enabling all of our pupils to access and benefit from a high-quality oracy education. Our aim is to ensure every pupil leaves Hareside as an effective communicator, who is confident using their voice in a wide range of situations. 

In school we believe spoken language is essential for learning. We teach our pupils to use spoken language effectively by developing the four strands of the oracy framework. Talk and discussion is highly valued in the classroom and curriculum but also at playtimes, lunchtimes and in extra-curricular activities. We offer regular opportunities for pupils to showcase their oracy skills in debate, presentations, drama and storytelling. 

Oracy is also about learning through talk. Opportunities for exploratory talk encourage pupils to engage with each other critically and constructively to develop understanding and consensus. By co-creating guidelines within our classrooms pupils understand the expectations of talk and the value it can add to their learning. We encourage exploratory talk across the curriculum encouraging children to take responsibility for their own learning. 

Promoting oracy at home

1 – Oracy Games

Play games that develop oracy skills in your children. Popular games include:

  • Guess who 
  • Charades 
  • Headbandz
  • Articulate

Games such as ‘would you rather’ require no resources and are also fantastic at developing your child’s oracy skills.


2 – New Vocabulary

Spend time discussing/explaining the meaning of new words your child encounters. 


3 – Word of the day

Come up with a ‘word of the day’.  Challenge your child to use the new word in their writing or talk. 


4 – After School Conversations

At pick up time invite your child to tell you about their day. Think of using sentences and questions such as these below. 

  • Tell me the highlight of your day 
  • What was the worst and best part of your day? 
  • What was the most interesting part of your day?


5 – Reading 

Discuss your child’s reading book with them and ask them a variety of questions. This will not only support their oracy skills but also their comprehension. 


6 – Examples of Oracy 

Listen to and watch different examples of oracy. This could be podcasts, poetry, radio shows, TV programmes, speeches, comedy or music. 


7 – Talk Box

Have a ‘talk box’ at home. You or your child can choose an item to place into the talk box to discuss.


8 – Video diary 

Support your child to keep a video diary. This could be used to record special occasions such as birthdays or chart their everyday life. 


9 – Listening walk 

Listening is a fundamental part of oracy and this activity can be used with the youngest of children. Take them on a walk and encourage your child to listen carefully to the sounds around them and describe them. 


10 – TV 

Watch a TV programme or news programme together and discuss it.