About Us
We work very hard to ensure Hareside is a caring environment within which children feel safe, secure, valued and happy. These are necessary ingredients for children to be able to learn most effectively. Our curriculum is designed to challenge children to develop and use a broad range of skills. We believe that a child’s learning experience should be broad and be as much about learning life and social knowledge and skills as it is about learning more academic skills. It should also be lots of fun! We aim to find at least one thing in every child in which they excel and in which they are an ‘expert‘ – and we encourage them to take a pride in this.
A good school is one which is valued by its pupils and parents and we believe pupils value and appreciate school more when they have a part to play in its running. At Hareside we like to involve our children in helping the school to run smoothly and in some of the decisions made about the school and how it operates. You will therefore often find our children doing jobs around the school whether it be helping younger children in the dining hall, answering phones in the office, or playing with and supporting younger children in the playground or meeting together as our School Council.
We also enjoy working with lots of different organisations to help make the school even better and to provide a wide variety of experiences for our children.